Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Week Two Post Op

March 21, 2006 – Day 8 Post Op – I Think I Can, I Think I Can…

He tried to go up the stairs today. Didn't make it. Couldn't get the back legs up on the bottom step. But he tried. Which shows me he is not timid. He is willing to try and fail and I wonder if he will continue until he makes it.

He is navigating the house and playing with Princess. Playing alone with his toys if she is outside. Some things I have noticed:

Sometimes he seems more comfortable sitting up. ???He puts his back legs tight together when he sits. Looks like the March of the Penguins posture. ???He always lays on his right side. ???He doesn't want to stand still for any length of time but he will stay on his feet for quite awhile if he is moving. ???

Personality wise, he is almost back to the dog he was before the surgery. He is back to being confident now, not seeming to need me close by or to need my attention or encouragement. Just going about his business as usual.

I think the surgery pain is subsiding and I think he will be mighty surprised when he is pain free. Once today I saw him turn around and really examine his left hip. The one he used to try to bite. I am pleased with his progress. So is Princess. She is glad to have her playmate back.

March 22, 2006 – Day 9 Post Op - Triggers

Dogs are creatures of habit and so am I. It has been my custom to take them for walks every day and they know that when I put on my walking shoes and get out the Gore-tex that it is time. Since the diagnosis when I learned how painful it was for him to walk, I have not taken Buddy. Just Princess. In the first few days after the surgery, I don’t think Buddy noticed. But today he came wagging his tail when I put on my shoes and stood expectantly by the door. I took Princess and when we got back 30 minutes later, sweet Buddy was still in that spot waiting for his turn. I hope that soon he will be able to go out and about again. He seemed very disappointed. Me, too. I miss taking him for walks.

His appetite is good and he is compliant about taking his meds. He has started chasing the cat again. And tussling with Princess. He still can’t go up the stairs but he is obviously thinking about it. I’m still sticking close to home and keeping an eye on him.

March 23, 2006 – Day 10 Post Op – Mischief Maker

When the kids were little and stayed home from school sick, I always knew they were recovered and ready to go back when they began to misbehave. Applying this same rule to Little Buddy, he has reached another milepost. Last night he kept pestering Windy’s boyfriend and trying to untie his shoes. This morning he ate the tag off a blanket. He has a special affinity for white…napkins, paper towels, tags, socks, shoelaces, plastic bags.

He has long since stopped chewing on the furniture and throw rugs, but he does love to sneak a snack on something white when no one is looking. So I am figuring he is getting better and reminding us that he is still a puppy. It is hard to discipline a recuperating pet. Notice I said discipline.

I make a distinction between discipline and corrections. Corrections are used when I give Buddy a command and he does not comply. Discipline is when he thinks up something all on his own and needs to be told firmly that his behavior is out of line. Of course, for it to have any effect, I have to catch him at it. I did observe the shoelaces nibble, but he found the blanket down in the bedroom when I was in another part of the house. You can see he is navigating about now and searching for some entertainment. Buddy is better!

He ate standing up for the first time. He is teasing Princess, playing with his toys, and he wanted to stay outside in his appointed place by the front gate. The kids are on spring break so there is lots going on outside the fence. He was out for about an hour. In the evening, while he was lying on his bed, he used his left leg to scratch his ear. The first time we have seen that.

March 24, 2006 – Day 11 Post Op – Wheel of Fortune

He is back in his easy chair watching his favorite TV show. He is able to get up into the chair using the hassock with a little assistance from me. He is running when outside, still bunny hopping to get a fast start but then using his back legs alternately. There is a little bit of fuzz on his naked butt and the hair is growing back. He is sleeping happily in his crate at night and going all night without needing attention. His eyes are clear and expressive. Princess is no longer doing the protective Mama thing.

He is now ready to be left on the dog deck instead of in the house. He did a bit of damage while I was out buying him a ramp to get in and out of the car. He they say about horses...feeling his oats.

We set the ramp up in the house so he can get used to it. Right now the cat is going up and down to the easy chair. I got the expensive one with telescoping/adjustable length and heavy duty construction. It has sides and carpet and I think will work quite well. He has grown quite used to the outside ramp for going in and out of the house. When this new one is folded up it has a handle on one side and is easy for me to carry and lift in and out.

Last night when he was laying down he used his left leg to scratch his ear. A first! Sounds like a small thing but something he could not do before. And his LEFT leg.

March 25, 2006 – Day 12 Post Op – Slippin’ and Slidin’

He comes running when he hears me fixing his breakfast. Since I have to put the liquid medicine on the food, I have been using a Science Diet product called Mix-It to add a bit of appetizing taste to the dry kibble. He is licking the dish clean. He does need pieces of carpet on the kitchen floor as he can’t stand on the slick tile. I stand close by to be sure Princess does not exercise her alpha-dog option and grab his special food. He is still getting the pain pill as well, but he just opens up and swallows that from my hand.

He is using the ramp to get in and out of his easy chair. I want him to get used to it before we try to use it outside to get in the car. Monday he has an appointment to have the sutures removed so we will need it then. I still have the sling option also so I think we’ll be fine.

Outside he is running in the yard and going to his observation post to check out the neighborhood doings. He and Princess are doing their morning wrestling and tussling and making fierce faces at each other. But it is rainy and the yard is nothing but mud. This was not the best time of year for the surgery.

March 26, 2006 – Day 13 Post Op – Roughhousing Around

He is running all around today and wanting to play rough with Princess. He is going down the steps but still using the ramp to come up. However, he is just walking up the ramp rather than the head-forward charge he was doing that led him to bump his head at the top. He drank out of the water bowl on the floor instead of the raised one. He is asking to be helped up into his chair, but he does most of the work himself. Hair is starting to grow back. He runs to the kitchen when he hears the can opener just like a cat!

March 27, 2006 – Two Weeks Post Op – Suture Removal

Buddy climbed up into his chair all by himself. Using the hassock to give him a little boost. This is the first time he has not needed my help. He followed me all around the house earlier before he settled down for his morning nap. He is actually walking and using the back legs separately.

The vet removed the sutures (staples) and checked him over. She is satisfied with his progress and says to let him be the guide of what activities he is up for. He can go for walks now and be around other dogs at the park. He is to continue the Metacam drops until they are gone. He took the last of the pain pills (Tramadol) today. He weighs 70 lbs. Down two from the day of the surgery.


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